Sunday, January 30, 2011

Prune or Not to Prune....

That is the question. Yesterday we experienced some majorly different weather here in the southern plains. Almost three days away from the end of January and it was almost 70 degrees F! What is up with this weather?

What is even funnier is the weather man says we might be getting into some winter weather later this week. ARGH!!! This is one of the things that drives me crazy. WEATHER in the southern plains.

But on a happy note. :) We had beautiful weather to get out and prune our muscadines, grapes, blackberries, apple trees, etc.. Plus my wonderful husband conjured up a contraption for a portable chicken coop. I'm SO excited as are my kids. I can't wait for my first fresh egg from OUR chickens. But I guess it would help too if we had chickens. HA HA Closer to spring we will get some.

So far we have started:
4 Red Cabbage, 4 Green Cabbage, 4 Broccoli, and 4 Cauliflower.
(NOTE: not all of them might make it to the big garden....little hands....need I say more.)
But what we do have left :) we will probably have to set out soon because they are getting so tall that they are just starting to fall over. But I'm not to scared about putting them out I've been saving my gallon milk jugs and cutting the bottoms out of them so we can use them to cover our plants in case of frost. We will see how well they work when we put the plants out.

So sorry for the long post...what was your weather like this weekend?

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