Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm going to do it...how about you....

Well after reading the post @ Heavenly Homemakers! I decided to join in on her Gratituesday... It's not fun being sick so I'm praying for her friend as well.

I can tell you that I'm so thankful for a God that gives so much strength and grace to you. I really learned this strength when after my last child was born I experienced PPD. I never felt so helpless in my life. I tried some drugs from advice from my doctor but I not only had an allergic reaction but it made me feel even worse. I can tell you through that experience that God's grace is amazing! Every step I took, every diaper I changed, ever homeschool lesson I did is by the grace of God! Looking back at that experience reminds me now everyday that I can not do it alone, God let's me do it. He gives me the strength and grace to face each day. 

Am I glad I went through that experience? Yes and No. Yes because now I am even more aware and thankful for God giving me another day. I'm smiling and praiseing God as I write this. No, because I feel absolutely silly for putting my family through all of that. So long story....long....I'm thankful for a wonderful, amazing, loving, forgiving, grace giving GOD!

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